Parthenon Awards — Call for Entries

Submissions are now being accepted for the 2018 Parthenon Awards! Please read the submission information below and submit your entries by the February 28 deadline to receive the best price entry fees.

Click here to submit your entry now!

Who May Enter Public relations and communications professionals working in the Middle Tennessee area.

What May Be Entered All work entered must have been released, published or performed – at least in substantial part – during the 2017 calendar year. The same material may be submitted in more than one category, but this requires a separate entry fee and entry form and an additional copy of the entry, including summary.

Entry Fees Entry fees must accompany all Program and Project Category entries.

PRSA member fees: $75/entry
$100/late entry
$65/nonprofit entry
$90/late nonprofit entry

Nonmember fees: $100/entry
$125/late entry
$90/nonprofit entry
$110/late nonprofit entry

Student fees are $25 for public relations students currently attending:
Austin Peay State University
Belmont University
Lipscomb University
Middle Tennessee State University
Western Kentucky University

Entry Deadlines
All entries must be submitted online at

Submission deadline: February 28, 2018
Late submission deadline: March 5, 2018

Payment Information
You will be invoiced for your award entries, all entry fees must be paid prior the Parthenon Awards. Please make checks payable to PRSA Nashville Chapter.

Winners will be notified by email.

Awards will be presented at the PRSA Parthenon Awards dinner in April.

Entries will be judged by a distinguished panel of senior-level public relations practitioners from a fellow Public Relations Society of America chapter. This group will examine the entries and select the winners. Parthenon Awards are presented for excellence in public relations programming. Judges reserve the right to limit the number of Parthenons or Awards of Merit per category.

Each of the following criteria receives equal weight in PROGRAM categories.

Each entry will be judged for the quality of original or secondary research used to determine the scope of the problem or opportunity the entry addressed and the factors of importance to strategic planning.

Each entry is examined from the standpoint of the objectives established, creativity, judgment in selecting strategies and techniques, budget accuracy, and difficulties encountered.

Judges will examine how the plan was implemented, materials used, in-progress adjustments to the plan, techniques to win management’s support, difficulties encountered, and how effectively resources were used.

Judges will consider to what degree a program met its objectives and what efforts were undertaken to identify, analyze and quantify results.

For PROJECT categories, judging will be based on creativity, quality of production, persuasiveness of content, technical excellence and appropriateness for the declared audience.


Online award submissions must be 10MB or smaller to submit.

Click here to go directly to the Awards submission site.

Please read the Call for Entry information – along with the category descriptions – carefully before starting your submission.

  • Please designate one contact per company for your awards.
  • For Project Categories, provide a brief summary no longer than one page in length describing the entry’s objective, audience, budget and results.
  • You may include supporting materials referred to in the summary, such as a copy of the public relations plan, pictures, letters, scripts, reports, clippings and copies of other materials used in executing your program.
  • Materials may be represented by photos. Samples of supporting data are sufficient to give the judging panel a basis for evaluation. Please separate supporting documents with labeled divider pages.
  • For video entries, a link to a video hosting site such as YouTube will be acceptable.

Your entry should include the following:

  • The entry title, name of entrant, indication of whether the entry is a program or project, and award category (and subcategory, if applicable), a 50-word summary describing the entry, and the entry fee amount.
  • Your summary followed by supporting materials if applicable.


If your entry is selected as a Parthenon Award winner, you will asked to provide a jpeg depicting the program or activity for the awards event. Entries cannot be changed once they have been submitted.

Please check your entry for grammar, spelling and typographical errors prior to submission.

Remember, the regular deadline for submissions is February 28, 2018, and the late deadline is March 5, 2018.


Parthenon Awards Call for Entries 2018

Parthenon Awards Categories

Parthenon Awards FAQs

Questions? Contact Co-Chairs Brandie Miner ([email protected]) or Macey Cleary ([email protected]).

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